Mindanao Advice

The Intense Fire Night of Tenerife

Every midsummer, Tenerife celebrates Noche de San Juan. Processions of burning torches head towards the sea in an ancient tradition that includes jumping over bonfires and midnight bathing in the ocean.

The celebration dates back to the island’s native Guanche days, and the shortest night of the year is a significant event in the traditional parts of the island. This photo series is from yesterday’s event in Icod de Los Vinos.

© Photos and captions by Eldar Einarson

Clouds are prevalent in Icod de Los Vinos. The gray weather lasted for six months, and midsummer was no exception.
Never mind the prolonged absence of sun, people gather early at Playa San Marcos to celebrate the shortest night of the year.
Waiting for the fire night
The clouds seem to have permanently rested over Icod de Los Vinos. While southern Spain experiences heatwaves and drought, Northern Tenerife remains cool and pleasant.
Gray also has its beauty…
An Italian chocolate mousse fits all kinds of weather…
Finally, the sun shows up for a short farewell performance…
…and leaves the scene to the firepeople
Bonfires are lit on the beach
Brave boys are preparing for an ancient ritual
If you jump over the fire three times, you will be cleansed from all evil
A proud young man who seems to have completed the task
Seeking shelter from the fire and smoke
Real men never give in
Thousands are participating all over the island
Midnight bathers

Despite council cuts and a reduced program, hundreds were out in the fire- and smoke-filled night, drinking loads of alcohol accompanied by drums. It felt like being in the center of a controlled catastrophe, and the party went on until the early morning.

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