Insight & Reflections

Reflections in the Rain: Bragging or Sharing Thoughts?

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Rain, rain, rain, three days of rain. Staying indoors without the Internet is tough. I’m not used to being isolated; it’s a new and challenging situation. But I have a lot of time to reflect on the transformation I’m in. And that helps 😊 

When the view from my window here in Halsa, Norway is like this day after day, it’s time for reflection.
When the view from my window here in Halsa, Norway is like this day after day, it’s time for reflection.

My life before was loaded with friends and acquaintances. I was running around like a Speedy Gonzales hunting a little more income. The more people I knew the better my chances were. Life was full of hope but it was hard, chaotic, sad, and funny at the same time. It was a typical Filipino life, and I was running around in a tiring circle.

My marriage changed that. I was lucky to get an answer to my prayers; a man with the ability to take me as I am, who understood my responsibility for my family and also my dream about freedom and independence.

He encouraged me to take up blogging again and we started to experiment together. He is a pragmatic agnostic; I’m a firm believer in God. So, the first thing we did was to find a common ground and it resulted in the first article here “Mentality is Destiny

We decided to focus on topics seen from my perspective that could also function as advice for others. Self-centered glamor is already provided by millions of copycats and my husband inspired me to find my own style.  I’m not there yet, but I’m trying to be a contrast to fake news, gossip, envy, commercialism, materialism, too much drama, and immaturity.

I’m getting comments and questions which show the impact of the majority of lifestyle blogs out there. And here are some of them with my answers:

Why are you not wearing branded clothes? I let my own personality define my style, not the label of what I wear.

Why do you always wear the same clothes on your blog? The focus should not be on what I’m wearing, but what I stand for.

Why don’t you have a car? It’s too expensive and impractical for my lifestyle.

You are in Europe, why you don’t post glamorous pictures of yourself? Why do that? Haven’t you seen the beauty of some of the places I’ve been to? Glamor thrives best in cages and I want to be free.

My husband gives me whatever I want, why you don’t have so much? I have the most important things a woman can dream of: respect, love, and the freedom to develop my talents and independence.

Supporting your blog is like supporting a brag. I’m sad if my blog is seen as bragging, that’s not my intention. It’s more like I’ve revealed here.

It’s easy to avoid people who don’t have similar vibes as mine, but it’s also important to listen to others. I fully understand those who ask these kinds of questions. I have been there, too. The questions are fine. And I’m happy if I can give some inputs by answering them, my way.

When my husband was editing, two rainbows appeared. He grabbed his camera and we got a nice ending for this article.
When my husband was editing, two rainbows appeared. He grabbed his camera and we got a nice ending for this article.
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2 replies on “Reflections in the Rain: Bragging or Sharing Thoughts?”

“.I’m not there yet, but I’m trying to be a contrast to fake news, gossip, envy, commercialism, materialism, too much drama and immaturity…..

…It’s easy to avoid people who don’t have similar vibes as mine, but it’s also important to listen to others. I fully understand those who ask these kinds of questions. I have been there, too ”

love those Grace …
we never really change, but experiences and the people you meet and for sure the ones you love might show you … other ways of life where you get the chance to evoluate and realise that our original basic values may be very different then the ones we meet around the world,
learn from those experiences and develop new own values is such a beautifull challenge.
but it usually increases the distance between you and the friends you left home more then the distance itself !
that’s also why world travellers end up … in Asia or South america, where cultural differences (not on materialism !) let europeans or north american challenge their own “basics”.

see you both soon hopefully !

Thanks, Bruno. Yes let’s meet soon. I’m open and eager to learn and my husband helps me a lot. He is teaching me to get rid of unnecessary and fluffy words and to focus on the core. Without his guidance and editing, I would have crawled more on the surface. The blog is a good training for me and the best of all, I’m learning to cooperate 😊

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