Footprints of My Life.

Mission Madness – New Book Release!

Some weeks ago, a Yoga class particularly the traditional Tibetan practice called Lu Jong was announced at the Civic Center just across the street where we live.  I joined because Yoga has always appealed to me, and it is also a good way to meet new friends. I go to sessions two times a week every Tuesday and Friday evenings.

I got interested because some friends in Davao are practicing Ashtanga yoga and have always been talking well about it. I made research about Lu Jong and was convinced because it’s an ancient healing practice without difficult body positions.

Lu in Tibetan means ¨body¨ and Jong means training or transformation. It is a practice or training of body and mind to develop awareness, and it’s not actually hard. I’ve made a few mistakes, but the teacher was accommodating. I hope that I can soon master the five basic elements. I feel light, calm, and happy after the class. Honestly, it’s like I’m ready to conquer the world or maybe I’m just feeling good because I have been together with kind people and I was able to practice my Spanish a little without focusing on grammar and making mistakes.

Lu Jong also helps the body achieve resistance to diseases, develops mental clarity, and balances your emotions and energy according to the information that I got. I am also hoping that it will also improve my ability to integrate better into the community here. I can say that joining the classes is well worth it. 🙂

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