Footprints of My Life.

Mission Madness – New Book Release!

Are you like me eagerly waiting for the release of Beauty and the Beast in cinemas?  Then you should also pay attention to what the lead actor, Emma Watson, is wearing on her promotion tour.

The extremely talented actress doesn’t need any introduction as an artist, but she is also a very responsible human being. As an advocate of eco-fashion, she is helping to make our planet greener. Look at her Instagram and check out her press tour dresses. They are amazing! We can’t anymore stigmatize eco-fashion as boring stuff. It’s all about how you carry it plus the reason for wearing something that’s good for the future of humanity.

Emma Watson posted on her account @the_press_tour the behind-the-scenes of her press coverage journey. She features nine styles, all with captions, detailing the eco-fashion brands, designers, and how they were made. She also explains the materials used for the clothes she’s wearing. She is a role model for us by promoting a very important cause. See below some of her responsible fashion choices enchanting us with pure elegance in nice colors:


Just like the way Belle influenced the Beast to make a change within himself, I hope Emma Watson’s support for the slow fashion movement will also change some of the beasts in the fast fashion industry. By the way, Miss Watson uses organic make-up which I am looking forward to doing also. I really want to do my part. We can definitely be stylish and at the same time make a difference.

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2 responses to “Do as Emma Watson – Be an Eco Fashionista!”

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