Footprints of My Life.

Mission Madness – New Book Release!

I have not been blogging for a while due to my studies. But yesterday, my husband returned home with some photos of a local folklore group that I just have to share. The photos really reflect the women’s position in the local society. Guess who rules? 🙂

© Photos and captions by Eldar Einarson

Enjoying a long-awaited sun before the show starts
Waiting for everything to be ready
The children are the first ones to perform
Full concentration
Finally, here we go
It’s still perfect to be a little man
But the girls will soon take the lead
The spine of society
Don’t mess with us!
It’s not easy to be a lazy man here
I know my worth…
…me too
…and me as well
In front as deserved
The next generation swirls in
The square outside the town hall is often used for performances. Icod de Los Vinos has really something to be proud of 🙂
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