Footprints of My Life.

Mission Madness – New Book Release!

When I was a real estate agent, I did my best to give full attention to my clients’ needs. I always made sure that I replied fast with accurate information. Doing so creates a good reputation, but it takes commitment and knowledge to deliver.

I always look for a service provider with the same mission and vision. But it can be difficult to find someone who delivers high quality, especially in Manila, and if you are pressured on time.

In my process of being a resident in Spain, the marriage contract I enclosed in my application was rejected because of a detail my husband’s lawyer had forgotten to inform us about. We got fifteen days to deliver a new one, authorized by both Department of Foreign Affairs and the Consulate General of Spain in Manila.

I started to look online for someone to help me and contacted most of the processing companies in Manila. I found one that looked promising, but when I googled it, bad reviews came out. There are scammers out there and if not careful, it would cost me a lot. Out of the ten companies that I messaged, only one replied after two days but would not give any assurance that they could deliver within my time frame.

So, I gave up and searched relatives and friends in the capital. Also, I thought of my sister to do it for me, but she had to travel to Manila from Davao two times, or stay in Manila at least ten days.

I searched one last time and found Doc Router Documentation Services by Shela and John Jeff Cherriguine. I contacted them through their Facebook page after checking out their profiles. The response was fast and informative telling me that they are serious.  I decided to do it with them, and I´m glad I did.

After a few chats with Shela and John Jeffrey, I got the info I needed. They don’t have an office address. They are efficiently operating from home and they deliver fast. They really did a great job. It was a good experience because I have never let others process my papers. I have always done that myself and I developed a kind of hopeless feeling while searching for a good solution for my urgent problem here in Spain that could only be solved in Manila. Thanks, Doc Router, for helping me out!

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One response to “Good Documentation Service in Manila”

  1. […] My husband arrived first only knowing a few Spanish words and fixed what was needed on his own. NIE number, tax residency, social security, and Spanish driving license. The only problem he got was a kind but unfocused lawyer he hired to prepare the papers for my residency application. It was a nail-biting and challenging experience that had to be solved very fast, but we managed by taking the right decisions and I wrote a little about it here. […]

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