Footprints of My Life.

Mission Madness – New Book Release!

  • Kragerø: Revisiting an Art Town

    Kragerø: Revisiting an Art Town

    I have been back in Kragerø, a town on the coast of southern Norway. I was introduced to more art, to old friends of my husband, and saw some strange, dark, and creepy sculptures.  Tourism has grown fast since my husband lived here and he feels that the place has lost a little of its […]

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  • Film Buddies in Oslo

    Film Buddies in Oslo

    On a short stopover in Oslo, my husband met some old friends from the movie industry; a producer, a director of photography, and an actor. I don’t know so much about my husband’s past. But seeing him in action with old colleagues was great and informative.  Talking with my husband’s old friends was very fun. My husband […]

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  • Glimpse of Trondheim

    Glimpse of Trondheim

    Norway is a beautiful country and a real joy to travel through.  On our return trip from Halsa, we spent a few hours in Norway’s third-largest city, Trondheim. We managed to see some of the most important landmarks before we continued by train to the capital, Oslo.  Trondheim was founded in 997 by a Viking King, Olav Tryggvason […]

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  • A Norwegian Summer Wedding

    A Norwegian Summer Wedding

    One of the last things I did on my trip to Norway was attending a wedding. God must have a special place in his heart for the couple who got married. He blessed them with a fantastic summer day squeezed into the coldest and rainiest summer in Norway for years.  The young couple was already […]

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  • Halsa, Norway: The Silence of Nature

    Halsa, Norway: The Silence of Nature

    It takes time to adapt to new surroundings, especially when there are no familiar sounds around. Being surrounded by silence in a mighty nature is scary for someone like me. According to old Christian beliefs, silence is made in heaven and after one month in Halsa I tend to agree.  I was raised in a chaos of sounds […]

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  • Halsa, Norway: Caring for The Past is Preparing for The Future

    Halsa, Norway: Caring for The Past is Preparing for The Future

    I believe most of us are nostalgic. Good reminders of the past give inner peace, at least for me. I love to visit old quarters and thanks to a group of volunteers in Halsa, Norway I could also do it here.  Luckily, many Norwegians still have a Viking spirit when it comes to helping society become more livable. […]

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  • Bonfire at a Norwegian Fjord

    Bonfire at a Norwegian Fjord

    After a long period of cold and rainy weather, the sun finally arrived. My husband’s former wife’s family; mother, sisters, and close relatives in four generations decided to celebrate the event on the beach at the bottom of a long and narrow fjord.  I’m used to be with a lot of people, but not on an […]

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