Life in Spain

It’s Never Too Late for Love and Art

My husband once told me that art is content given a form that communicates with us on a deeper level. Some days ago, I met a lovely couple that reminded me of this, and there is also a sweet love story involved in today’s post.  I grew up in a hard toil reality where art […]

Life in Spain

Local Events are Changing the World

All of us want to be healthy. Old habits are hard to turn and we need several pushes in the right direction. I have just been to an event in the old castle here in La Herradura that focuses on a more natural lifestyle. I love this kind of event.  La Herradura Natural is an event that brings together […]

Life in Spain

Celebrating the Cross with Flowers and Fiesta

Spain is known as a great holiday destination not only because of its amazing locations but also because of the many festivals happening all year round. Yesterday, a deeply rooted tradition called Cruces de Mayo unfolded in our neighborhood here in La Herradura. It is celebrated at the end of April or the beginning of May on […]

Life in Spain

A Self-Taught Guitarist and His Two Worlds

Our small coastal town, La Herradura, has a strong attractiveness to people with artistic talents. The famous Spanish guitarist Andres Segovia has left a great cultural heritage and musicians from all over the world visit here often. Some settle here and create life and joy around them. Some days ago, my husband and I bade […]

Life in Spain

Language Exchange (Intercambio de Idioma) Meet-up in Almuñecar

I am happy because I’m one step closer to my dream of speaking Spanish fluently. I have discovered a new language meet-up initiative not too far from me. The method of helping each other by sharing knowledge gives confidence, and that is certainly needed when you learn a new language. Immersion with supportive locals in language meet-ups is an efficient […]

Life in Spain

A Surprisingly Good Hair Loss Remedy

When I was a kid, I had very luscious and shiny hair and could never imagine myself losing it. Some months ago, this terrible process started.  I have only myself to blame because I did not know the effects of coloring it too often. Blind about the consequences, I just loved changing my hair color […]